Monday, December 24, 2012

A Letter to Danny - December 24. 2012

It's Christmas Eve Honey.

The rest are sleeping as I sit here on my bed watching the snow fall down and knowing if you were here, you would be out on your Massey Fergeson tractor digging everyone out. 

As I sit here, I ponder how life led us to a little run-down house in Moose Creek, Alaska where I would lose you.  We certainly went on a jouney in our lives didn't we, Honey. 

I have been reading a book by George Anderson a medium/author who talks about what spirits have to say about earth life.  They say that "falling down" is an important part of living and it is the "falling down" that determines what we are really made of.  When we fall down, do we get back up and start again or do we stay down.  George Anderson says that when the world pulls the rug out from under your feet and you go down, it is because you were not on the right road in the first place; the road you were meant to travel. So life forces you to get back up and take another route.

I wish God would have just given us a GPS because oh my gosh we kept having the rug pulled out from under us, didn't we.  We'd get back up and dust ourselves off and start once again and take off with determination and optimism and "POW!" we'd go down once more.  Now, as I think back on it, I find it funny.  But by darn Honey, we kept getting up didn't we.  We didn't let things keep us down for long.

I guess there were lessons we needed to learn from financially losing everything we worked so hard for---twice.  But Honey, now that I look back on it, it wasn't so bad because we were allowed to keep intact those things that were truly important, truly of worth.  Our family circle stayed tightly knit.  We stuck together like we were bound with super glue.  And through it all, we kept our love.  Yes, we lost our houses (two of them) but we never once lost our homes.  My home was wherever it was that you were and your's was where I was.  What a gift we were given.

So as I sit here missing you this Christmas Eve, I want to thank you for the important gifts you gave me each and every Christmas.  Thank you for loving me, for being true to me.  Thank you for my children and my darling, thank you for my memories.

Merry Christmas Honey.

Far Beyond the 12th of Never.

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