Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Talk

The Talk

by Susie McCormick Whiting on Friday, August 14, 2009 at 9:41am ·
           In the dark and silence of the night, we had a talk, he and I. As ususual, I did the talking as he listened. I told him I didn't understand. It seemed everything that I had once held on so steadfastly to now seemed unimportant. What I had believed so strongly in, disappeared like campfire smoke into mountain air; leaving behind just a hint of smoke to remind me that at one time, the fire had burned. I told him that stepping out of the old comfortable shoe of inherited beliefs, left me lonely, but also free. Should I feel guilty for the change taking place within me? I didn't want to lose my relationship with him. He had been such a part of me for so very long. I told him that I still loved him but I had changed and with the change didn't know if he could still love me.
           He said nothing, the only sound came from the ticking of the clock, rememinding me that time continued to slip by. It would not wait for me to find myself. "Why don't you tell me what's true?" I asked. "Why don't you whisper something in my ear or speak to me in dreams." Reconciled, that I would not hear him speak, I sighed and whispered "I still love you."
          The wind caused the trees to dance in the night causing a soft moan to disturb the silence then as if to keep a rhythm, the rain began to fall; tapping against my window. "Just tell me what to do." I said. "I will do whatever it is you want me to do. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to disappoint you. You are too important to me. Tell me what I should do. Tell me what I should be. Tell me what you want of me."
           "Just your love." I heard God say.
           And as my footsteps lead me down the hall, to my room, to the sleep that had evaded me, I smiled. The answer was so perfectly simple. The answer to life is love. For with the love of God, all the other pieces of life's puzzle falls perfectly into place. If you love God, you love man. If you love God, you love earth. If you love God, you love self. The complications of religion are simplified if they would only be tied into one beautiful simple package. LOVE

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