Sunday, June 10, 2012

Vietnam Veteran

Vietnam Veteran   (Copyright 1996- Susie Whiting)

Hush be still, do you hear it;
It’s the sound of an anguished cry?
A cry that asks the reason
“Why in God’s name did I die?

Why shouldn’t I be remembered?
Why do you speak in shame?
Wasn’t I fighting for the cause of man
and in my country's name?

Why am I scorned rejected
As my comrades too in life
are faced with hypocrites taunting
and criticisms’ knife?

Someone out there hear me,
And let my soul fill no regret
Someone out there hear me
I am a Viet Vet.

Does anyone out there hear me?
If you do then tell me why.
Hush listen do you hear that?
It’s a lonely soldier’s cry.

Hush my lonely soldier
Yes I can tell you why.
I can tell you why you fought the fight.
I can you why you die.

You heeded to your country’s call
For in a distant land
Were those locked in persecution
but it was you who took the stand

You gave your all to your country’s call.
With your brothers you fought true.
So rest each one, our country’s sons
You’ve the respect now that you’re due.

You’re not scorned, you’re not rejected,
so go to God above
Go with your country’s thanks
Go with your country’s love.

Hush now do you hear it
In the dark of night it’s still
The crying now is quiet
on cemetery hill.

1 comment:

  1. Gramma, I read this at a VFW banquet on Veterans Day last year. I cried while trying to keep reading, when I looked up when I was done, there was not one of the Veterans without tears in their eyes. I love you Gramma. Soooo much!!!!
